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Kaipo’s Twinkie Moments

Kaipo went to a store to get supplies when he noticed a large pallet of Twinkies. He thought of the children he saw when driving through Lahaina, grappling with the tremendous loss of their town, and, in many cases, people they loved. He used the remaining dollars in his bank account to purchase the entire pallet. Later on, as his meals were being turned away, he still offered Twinkies to the children. Their faces instantly lit up with joy, bringing a moment of relief to their parents and allowing them to drop their guard enough to accept the meal. Kaipo used this scenario, which he termed “Twinkie moments,” to inspire his actions going forward.

At Nāpili Park in Lahaina, Maui, Kaipos’ family and other families began bringing resources like water, flashlights, tents and tables. Over time, the park evolved into a vital resource hub, acting as the heart of wildfire relief on the island, known as Nāpili Noho. A sense of home was slowly reintroduced to the devastated community. During its growth, Kaipo encouraged the team to seek out “Twinkie moments” – snippets of interactions that sparked inspiration, broke down barriers and relieved tension. He aimed to replicate these moments every day.

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Distribution channels: International Organizations